The Stirling Engine (or hot air engine) Explained
Stirling proceeds from the fundamental characteristic of air that it needs more space with rising temperature. If the volume remains constant, the pressure rises. All thermal engines work because of this characteristic. The basic principle of the Stirling engine is described in the following.
Robert Stirling called the displace piston also re-generator. In the upper animation only a sponge like piston is used, but in other constructions e.g. a close wire mesh is used as piston. This re-generator can, like the name already says, “regenerate” the air. If the piston goes upward, it is flowed through by warm air and takes up a part of the energy of the air then - it stores it. If the piston goes downward, it is flowed through by cold air now and delivers its stored energy to it. At the same time the wire mesh cools down. The piston helps so to avoid losses of energy. Also because of the re-generator, Stirling engines reach excellent efficiencies.
Modern Stirling engines The Stirling engine appeared at the beginning as a good alternative to the steam engines, but the success was not so big because of high production costs (two cylinders) and the small performances compared with its size. In this century, when people began to think about the environment, the stirling engine could play out its strengths partially.
The so-called ?-type stirling engine uses two pistons, which are around 90° out of phase in V-arrangement. The displace piston is missing, replaced by a fix installed re-generator. The ?-type Stirling engine functions because of the different lever lengths, with which the piston rods attack at the main shaft. For a closer explanation of this engine you can read the excellent description on the homepage of Peter Fete.
Although the stirling engine would have a large development potential, there won’t be a larger production soon. The relatively small performance compared with the size and the weight of the engine hardly permit a use in cars or airplanes. But as small mobile generators, stirling engines are a good choice. It enjoys a big popularity in the model construction, where small steam engines and stirling engines experience a real revival.
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